
August 6, 2020
vehicle ownership

Is it Required to Have Possession of a Vehicle for California Lemon Law to Apply?

Do I need to physically have my vehicle in order to avail myself of the California Lemon Law? Many consumers believe that in order to make […]
August 6, 2020
california lemon law repair attempts

How Many Repair Attempts Does a Vehicle Need to Have Before it is Considered a Lemon in California?

This is a very common question, and this is why it is important to have a competent attorney by your side when you are battling a […]
July 30, 2020
What is a civil penalty

What is a Civil Penalty?

A civil penalty, as its name states, is a penalty assessed to the car manufacturer in an amount of damages beyond the consumer’s “actual damages.” The […]
July 21, 2020
how do lemon law lawyers get paid

How Much Will it Cost to Pay for a Lemon Law Lawyer?

Buying a new car should be one of the most exciting endeavors, but the moment can be ruined when you realize that you’ve brought home a […]
June 19, 2020
bought a used car from a dealer with problems

What Should I do If I Bought a Used Car with Problems?

Lemon laws are generally designed to protect auto owners from defective vehicles that were bought with a car manufacturer original warranty and where the issue occurred […]
May 13, 2020
lemon law california - What is it?

What is California’s Lemon Law, and How Does it Protect Consumers?

Imagine this scenario: You purchase a new car, and within a few days, the car begins to give you problems. Out of nowhere, the car stalled […]
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